The Photoelectric Smoke Detector (FDKU026-D-X) is an Analog/Addressable smoke detector compatible with any fire alarm control panel of Integlex Multicrest series. The detector and base (not included) are made of a durable plastic in an eggshell white (off white) to blend in with the ceiling.

The new Nohmi circuit integration technology was introduced to the FDKU026-D-X. This state-of-the-art technology was able to simplify the product circuits and down-size the product structure significantly.

The FDKU026-D-X has an alarm set-point range of 3.4 to 11.6%/m(1.05 to 3.69% per foot)and is UL listed. The FDKU026-D-X can be configured for drift compensation and has built in dirty detector warning as well as. The FDKU026-D-X and the control panel communicate over a proven and robust digital communication path and the system analyzes the level of alarm at the particular device. The total polling speed is less than five (5) seconds, well under the UL requirements.

The FDKU026-D-X has two LEDs that allow for 360° viewing. The detector is compatible with any of the Nohmi bases indicated in this sheet and simply twists on. The FDKU026-D-X is addressed using the hand held programmer or the control panel addressing function.

Product Leaflet

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