Mircom’s FA-300 Series fi re alarm control panels consist of eight and twelve zone models which are equipped with an LED display and an integrated UDACT/Digital Communicator on select models. The FA-300 Series family also includes remote LED and LCD annunciators as well as remote relay modules.
The FA-300 Series panels are ideal for both new and retrofi t applications. Designed for small to medium commercial, institutional and industrial occupancies, these panels are powerful enough to meet today’s installation demands.
Mircom’s FA-300 Series panels are confi gurable by the keypad (using the CFG-300 Confi guration Tool) for onsite programming or by a PC for both onsite and remote programming. Easy to install and simple to operate and confi gure, the FA-300 Series panels enable
the installer to confi gure the system to meet their specifi c requirements.
All of the FA-300 Series panels are equipped with a 5 Amp power supply, 4-wire resettable smoke power supply (300mA max.), an interface for a Remote Trouble Indicator (RTI) and an RS-485 interface for remote LCD annunciators, LED annunciators and Remote Relay modules.
The FA-300 Series panels come complete with a red door, black enclosure, durable CAT-30 lock and key and space to mount up to 12 AH batteries. An optional trim ring is available for semi-fl ush mounting.
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โทรศัพท์ : 02-944-9898
แฟกซ์ : 02-944-9834